Stoke St. Mary History Group
Annual General Meeting
Held on Tuesday April 9th, in Stoke St. Mary Village Hall
Apologies from Sarah and Mike Baddeley.
Tom introduced the proceedings and mentioned that our History Group is now 11 years old, having been started in 2008 after a suggestion from Graham Salter.
A short AGM was then held to elect the chairman and committee members as follows:
Chairman -
(proposed by Meriel Thurstan and seconded by Jill McCloud.
Secretary -
(proposed by Hilary Olney and seconded by John Pugh)
Treasurer -
(proposed by Graham Salter and seconded by Elizabeth French)
Committee -
(proposed by Jim Olney and seconded by John Pugh)
President remains as Graham Salter.
The minutes of the previous AGM were agreed, and there were no matters arising.
The chairman read out his report
The secretary's report was in the form of a list of proposed events handed out to members and guests (attached)
The treasurer's accounts were available for any interested parties. We currently have around £1400 in the account.
The meeting continued with an illustrated talk from Bob Croft, County Archaeologist, on ‘Archaeology on Your Doorstep'. He gave an overview of some of the works being carried out on sites around Somerset, including Halswell House, Wiveliscombe, Cannington, Bath Abbey and the new Nexus site near Junction 25. He also focused in on the previous dig carried out in Stoke St. Mary in 2014 when pits were dug at Fyrse Cottage, Tuckers, The Orchard and Higher Broughton Farm -
Because of the success of the last dig, another is proposed for Thursday May 9 . The location of the pits is to be finalised, but a request was put out for volunteers to help on the day, supervised by Bob Croft and a couple of his colleagues.
It proved to be a very interesting talk enjoyed by the audience of around 20 people.
Graham rounded off the evening with thanks to Bob.
Stephanie Crockett (Secretary)